Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hi Everyone, it's been a couple weeks since I stopped in and posted anything but I have been a busy girl lately.  We held a benefit for the family of a very dear friend who suddenly passed away so I haven't had much time to be creative all my non-working hours have been spent talking to people and looking for donations.  I am pleased to say that we raised almost $1200 that will hopefully help her family pay off her funeral expenses, and it was definitely worth giving up all of my free time to be a part of something so important.  I am hoping to finally complete my friends present for Christmas this week and will be working on my mom's Birthday gift so I should have something to post soon that contains pictures.  I have a mini 5 day vacation and my plan is to get at least one or two days of me time, and when I say me time, I mean creative time.  So many projects going right now I can't wait to share what I have been up to in the last few weeks, until then have a great night and a great week.

1 comment:

  1. oh yeah mini 5 day vacation sick the entire time, ending the week with an abscessed tooth that became seriously infected so it became a 8 day vacation with coughing, pain, and dental work, hoping not to have this type of vacation ever again. No creative time all naps, antibiotics, and pain meds.
