Thursday, October 27, 2011

Part 1 of "New Projects" Uploaded to youtube last night

Happy Thursday all, I was finally able to upload at least Part 1 of a 3 part series on some gifts I created for my friend for Christmas last night.  I still have to finish editing Part 2, but Part 3 is ready to upload I just have to get Part 2 completed and uploaded first I will hopefully get that done this evening after I get home from work.  Just go to NThornton918's youtube channel to check them out I will try to at least post the links after all 3 videos are up on the Channel so you can get to them right from here if you wish.  Thank you all so much for your patience waiting for me to add projects, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I did creating them.  I can not wait for my friend to see what I made her, and this isn't even everything, I have a few more projects for her that still aren't completed yet, and haven't even started all the others for the rest of my friends and family.  I am going to be a busy girl, I am waiting on a couple orders to come in before I can start anything else so until then I will diligently be trying to complete what is already in progress while waiting for the order to arrive.  Everybody have a great day, and stay tuned there is more to come.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

New Projects Completed

yeah, I know I haven't posted so it seems as if I'm lost in the world and always making excuses about why I haven't.  I mentioned before I really do lead a very busy life and my creative time has been little and far apart for me to complete any of my projects.  Finally over this last weekend I had some me time so I completed 2 gifts for my friend for Christmas, I am still working on her album it still isn't quite to my liking yet.  So anyway in the next day or so I will finally be posting pics and a new youtube vid on what I did get finished.  I think I also finally found an album that can be custom cut in to the size I have been looking for, thank goodness I was not wanting to cut an entire chipboard album by hand.  If you are ever looking for interesting album shapes make sure you check out mini album scraps they have me drooling over so many cool laser cut chipboard pieces I can't wait to get my hands on some and will be placing my first order this week.  The prices are reasonable and so is the shipping I just have to tweak my order once I find out the cost of my special request, but am super excited to try out some of their albums and companion pieces.  I really want them all truthfully, but I do have to budget myself the holidays are rapidly approaching and I can't think of myself when I have so many awesome friends I like to spoil at least a little.  Of course my family is my rock and my heart and soul so they have to be spoiled as well.  Okay rambling it is 1:30 in the morning so I'm gonna sign off for now keep watching/reading for new project postings in the next 24 to 48 hours.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hi Everyone, it's been a couple weeks since I stopped in and posted anything but I have been a busy girl lately.  We held a benefit for the family of a very dear friend who suddenly passed away so I haven't had much time to be creative all my non-working hours have been spent talking to people and looking for donations.  I am pleased to say that we raised almost $1200 that will hopefully help her family pay off her funeral expenses, and it was definitely worth giving up all of my free time to be a part of something so important.  I am hoping to finally complete my friends present for Christmas this week and will be working on my mom's Birthday gift so I should have something to post soon that contains pictures.  I have a mini 5 day vacation and my plan is to get at least one or two days of me time, and when I say me time, I mean creative time.  So many projects going right now I can't wait to share what I have been up to in the last few weeks, until then have a great night and a great week.